Dragos CRICLEVIȚ[1], Gheorghe SOLCAN[2], Alin CIOBĪCĂ[3], Luminita Diana HRITCU[4]

Abstract.  Trazodone is the main anxiolytic used in veterinary medicine because it reduces physiological stress in cats and dogs which can be significant. In this case, the animals are prone to illness due to the body's decreased immunity. Four drugs from four different classes can be used to relieve acute situational fear and anxiety in dogs and cats, including trazodone, gabapentin, alprazolam and dexmedetomidine taken orally. Doses differ according to behavioral and medical conditions. In anxiety the dose in dogs is: 1.9-16.5 mg/kg q24h for daily medication or 1.7-19.5 mg/kg q24h combined daily and as needed administration or 2.2-14 mg/kg q24h (as needed administration) for general anxiety 4-12 mg/kg q24h for 1.5 h before a veterinary visit. In cats the dose is 7.7-15.2 mg/kg q 24h for 1-1.5h before a visit to the veterinarian. Preoperatively and postoperatively in cats no dose studies have been reported. In dogs preoperatively 5-7 mg/kg administered 2 h before surgery combined with an opioid (Tramadol, Bupaq/Alvegesic) as premedication for anesthesia and orthopedic surgery. Postoperatively give 1-3.5 mg kg/kg in combination with tramadol for 3 days and then 7 mg kg-1q 12 h or 7-10 mg kg-1q 8 h as needed for 4-12 weeks for orthopaedic surgery. Trazodone has a much higher risk of adverse reactions in geriatric patients including: callus, vomiting, colitis, colitis, sedation, increased appetite, paradoxical excitement hypersalivation.

Keywords: Trazodone, behavioral stress, anxiety, preoperative, postoperative


DOI      10.56082/annalsarsciagr.2024.2.70



Abstract Article                                                Volume 13 No 2 – 2024

[1]PhD Student, Med. Vet., University of "Life Sciences Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iași, Department of Clinical Medicine,  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Romānia (e-mail:

[2]Prof. Phd. Gheorghe Solcan, University of "Life Sciences Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iași, Romānia, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, (e-mail:

[3]Assoc. Prof. PhD, University of "Life Sciences Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iași, Romānia, (E-mail:

[4]Researcher I PhD. Habil. University of "Life Sciences Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iași, Romānia Department of Biology, Faculty of Biology, Iași, Romānia, (E-mail: